My name is Janet Davis, and I'm a wife and mom of three girls. My five yr old daughter was sick al-most continuously from Nov through March, doctor visits and increasingly stronger antibiotics did-n't seem to be helping. She had frequent headaches, strep, ear infections and mysterious vi-ruses. After becoming more and more concerned for her, I decided to finally listen to my close friend, Dori Peterson about trying Zija. I put myself and little Lucy on Zija at the end of March. Not only have I not had to take her back for any visits, but the eczema on her arms is completely gone. Within a few weeks, I also noticed that I slept better, woke with more energy, had more pro-longed energy throughout the days and have not had any more spells with insomnia. I'm grateful, but the story doesn't end there...
In early April, my 12 yr old daughter was found to have an enlarged thyroid. We began blood tests, and sure enough, signs of Hashimoto's Disease were be-coming present. Right after her first blood test, I started her on Zija. Her TSH numbers were spiking, and the endo-crinologist said it's time to start meds. I asked for a few more weeks, and thankfully, it was enough time for the Moringa in her system to take effect. Her TSH went from 23.9 (end of June) to 6.9 (mid July) to 3.29 (end of Au-gust). The doctor is VERY surprised and pleased, and says there is NO NEED for meds now. He even made copies of the Johns Hopkins report on Moringa Oleifera to look into. I KNOW that Zija has made all the difference in this-other than replacing standard table salt for sea salt (as per Uncle Russ's advice), Zija is the only thing different in her diet. There is no other explanation.
Not to be left out, my 10 yr old daughter no longer suffers from seasonal allergies after taking her Zija. I know with-out a doubt that Zija is giving us far better health than any-thing else could provide. As a distributor, the support and encouragement within this company is unrivaled and end-less. The people I've met and continue to meet are role models and passionate about sharing what Moringa can do for every single person we know. You have nothing if not your health, right?
How grateful I am for Dori Peterson, who cared enough about me and my family to open her mouth and share this precious gift! I look forward to continuing health within my family and meeting more role models as my team continues to flourish and grow! Thank you to Ken Brailsford for recognizing the importance of Moringa Oleifera and for seeing the vision of this wonderful company!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
No "PROOF", But...
Bitter waters turned sweet
After Moses led the Israelites through the miraculous Red Sea crossing, described in the Bible's book of Exodus (15:25), they went into the wilderness of Shur — in the north-west of the Sinai Peninsula.But they found they could not drink from the waters at Marah because the taste was too bitter. They complained to Moses, who asked God what they could drink.
Then God showed Moses a tree, “which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet”.
What was this tree? Are there really trees that can turn bad water into clean drinking water — trees that will purify water quickly to make it drinkable?
Moringa oleifera
One of the most remarkably useful trees is one being cultivated heavily for use in the Sudan. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations said that village women had successfully used the tree Moringa oleifera (pictured above) to cleanse the highly turbid water of the River Nile. After trying other moringa species in Egypt, Namibia, Somalia, and Kenya, they too have shown properties that clarify water quickly.Studies on the effectiveness of moringa seeds for treating water have been done since the 1970s, and have consistently shown that moringa is especially effective in removing suspended particles from water with medium to high levels of turbidity (muddiness or dirtiness).
In water with high turbidity, a litre of water needs only one of the horseradish-smelling seeds for effective treatment. In low turbity, one seed may do 4 litres. When the water is boiled, this increases its nutritional effectiveness by making inactive a nutrition-inhibiting protein (lectin).
Widely cultivated
The moringa tree today seems to be native only to the southern foothills of the Himalayas, but it has been grown wonderfully elsewhere in dry, sandy soil, and it tolerates poor soil. It can grow to a height of about 10 metres.Apart from Africa, moringa trees are being cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and elsewhere. We are now growing a few Moringa trees around our Creation Tips office in Australia, as we are situated in a semi-rural area and rely mostly on tank water.
Above: Beautiful moringa flowers are used for decoration and in health products.
Moringa's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds (photo at right) and gum are used as an antiseptic and in medicines to treat rheumatism, bites and other ailments. The seed pod has been used to desalinate sea water.
The bark and roots are used as a spice and in soap; seed oil is used in cooking, machine lubrication, and cosmetics; the wood is used for fences and firewood. The flowers are also used in religious festivals, churches, and to decorate houses. Powdered moringa is used in cakes, fish feed, and cattle feed.
The Marah tree?
It is also not certain whether the miracle was in God's revealing to Moses the type of tree that would solve the problem, or in God's producing a one-off miracle using a tree at the campsite. But the wording that says “the Lord shewed him [Moses] a tree” seems to be saying the solution was in the tree.
In any case, we do know that the moringa has remarkable properties — especially for rapidly purifying undrinkable water. So if we want to know, “Is there a tree that can quickly purify undrinkable water?”, the answer is clearly Yes. “Can the tree grow in that area?” Again the answer seems to be Yes.
Copyright © Creation Tips and its licensors.
Last updated: Friday 10 December, 2010
No "Proof", BUT....
Moringa is the PRIMARY ingredient in ZIJA...
Monday, September 26, 2011
All About Zija Smart Mix - Review #3
All About Zija Smart Mix

If you are like many people, you are looking for a smart way to lose weight. Of course, there are many weight loss products out on the market today. However, there are many of them that promise that you will lose weight. This is many times at the risk to your health though. Using Zija Smart Mix helps to ensure that you get many of the vitamins and minerals that your body may be lacking.
Many people today are moving away from products that simply promise a quick weight loss. Instead, these people want to lose weight in a healthier way. Because Zija Smart Mix uses ingredients that are from the moringa tree, it has many well known health benefits. This means that this delicious and convenient mix fits right in with today's trend to combine the best in weight loss products with great benefits to your health.
When you use Zija Smart Mix, you can simply mix the convenient drink mix with water. This will ensure that you are able to get the anti oxidants, vitamins and minerals that are in such abundance in the moringa plant. You will feel a boost to your energy level that will help you to be more active. In addition, you will notice a significant reduction in your appetite.
With the regular use of the Zija Smart Mix, you will be more motivated than ever to exercise and be active. This motivation and activeness, combined with the healthy ingredients that are found in the Zija Smart Mix, will help you to reach your weight loss goals in a much quicker fashion. This is because health experts have proven that using a combination of a healthy weight loss product and a sensible exercise program makes it much easier and quicker for people to reach their weight loss goals.
Using Zija Smart Mix as part of your healthy eating plan will also make it much easier for you to lose the weight that you need to lose. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, will give your body the energy it needs while still helping you to reach your weigh loss goals.
If you are like many people, you are looking for a smart way to lose weight. Of course, there are many weight loss products out on the market today. However, there are many of them that promise that you will lose weight. This is many times at the risk to your health though. Using Zija Smart Mix helps to ensure that you get many of the vitamins and minerals that your body may be lacking.
Many people today are moving away from products that simply promise a quick weight loss. Instead, these people want to lose weight in a healthier way. Because Zija Smart Mix uses ingredients that are from the moringa tree, it has many well known health benefits. This means that this delicious and convenient mix fits right in with today's trend to combine the best in weight loss products with great benefits to your health.
When you use Zija Smart Mix, you can simply mix the convenient drink mix with water. This will ensure that you are able to get the anti oxidants, vitamins and minerals that are in such abundance in the moringa plant. You will feel a boost to your energy level that will help you to be more active. In addition, you will notice a significant reduction in your appetite.
With the regular use of the Zija Smart Mix, you will be more motivated than ever to exercise and be active. This motivation and activeness, combined with the healthy ingredients that are found in the Zija Smart Mix, will help you to reach your weight loss goals in a much quicker fashion. This is because health experts have proven that using a combination of a healthy weight loss product and a sensible exercise program makes it much easier and quicker for people to reach their weight loss goals.
Using Zija Smart Mix as part of your healthy eating plan will also make it much easier for you to lose the weight that you need to lose. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, will give your body the energy it needs while still helping you to reach your weigh loss goals.
Custom Weight Management... Review #2
Zija Weight Loss System Allows You To Customize Your Weight Loss Plan
The keystone product for Zija's weight loss system is their XM3 Capsules. These capsules work to stimulate the body's metabolism and naturally burn off excess fat while simultaneously suppressing the appetite. For best results, clients can customize their weight loss plans by adding other supplemental products such as the Smart Mix or Smart Drink that provide nutritional support, greater appetite suppression and digestive cleansing with the Miracle Tea.
Good nutrition is key to any successful weight loss program. The danger in some radical diet plans is that the body won't get the nutrients it needs to maintain god health while losing weight. While these plans may still help clients reach their target weight loss goals, they can also cause permanent damage to the body as it leeches needed nutrients to sustain life from tissue and bone.
When used in combination with the Zija XM3 Capsules, the Moringa Tea can provide the body with the increased nutritional support it needs to maintain good health while shedding excess body fat. In addition, the Moringa Tea also helps to naturally increase the body's absorption of these nutrients making the supplement much more effective than most over the counter vitamin supplements.
The Zija Miracle Tea works together with the Zija XM3 Capsules to provide clients with greater appetite suppression while also gently cleansing the digestive tract. When burning excess body fat using the natural thermogenesis process, dead cells can build up in the digestive tract. Over time, this can reduce the effectiveness of supplements by making it more difficult for them to be absorbed by the body. When used as directed, no more than a single serving per day for maximum weight loss, the Miracle Tea can help flush these dead cells out of the body. As an added bonus, the Miracle Tea also has appetite suppressant properties that work in tandem with the capsules to provide even greater weight loss support.
For best results with your weight loss plan, supplemental products should be used in addition to Zija XM3 Capsules. Though the capsules are the keystone of Zija's comprehensive weight loss solution, a customized weight loss solution that incorporates supplements can increase the effectiveness of the capsules and help keep your body strong while achieving your weight loss goals.
Looking For Extra Income? How to Find The Right Company! Review #1
Zija Company Reviews
When looking for a network marketing company there are 8 things to look for when considering if it would be a good company to work with.
1. Management
2. Track Record
3. Financial Backing (Company Stability)
4. Mass Market Appeal of It's Products
5. Do The Products Work?
6. Are There Systems In Place For Duplication?
7. Can The Average Person Make Money?
8. Is There Mentoring And Training Available?
When you have every single thing on this list and more as Zija does, you have a winner.
Zija was founded in 2006, is based in Lindon, Utah and is a debt-free company.
The founder, chairman and CEO of Zija, Ken Brailsford, is known as the grandfather of the network marketing industry. Mr. Brailsford has over 35 years in the direct sales industry.
Mr. Brailsford has an amazing proven success track record and has done billions of dollars in sales. Back in the 70's he founded a company called Natures Sunshine and then in the 80's he started his second company, Enrich International, both companies are still in business to this day! This is a great clue that this company (Zija) is on the move and here to stay!
The Zija product line is based on the Moringa Tree. The benefits of Moringa are numerous, if you would like to learn more about Moringa click on the What is Moringa link on the left side of the page.
Does Zija products have mass market appeal? If you consider the markets that their products cater to (in dollars spent per year):
Total Opportunity - $790 Billion
Do the products work? View the video above to see several personal testimonials of users of the products. If you would like to see more, send me an email and I will send you a list of webpages where you can view more enthusiastic user testimonials.
If you decide to become a Zija distributor, depending on the team you join, duplicatable systems are in place to help you grow your business and yes, the average person can make money with this if you know how to market or if you learn how to market the products effectively.
Most any network marketing company can teach you the old school way of marketing your company products. You know, create your list of friends, neighbors and relatives that you can pitch your products to. But the top earners, the big dogs of network marketing do it a different way. Click here for free training on the methods and strategies used by the top earners.
When looking for a network marketing company there are 8 things to look for when considering if it would be a good company to work with.
1. Management
2. Track Record
3. Financial Backing (Company Stability)
4. Mass Market Appeal of It's Products
5. Do The Products Work?
6. Are There Systems In Place For Duplication?
7. Can The Average Person Make Money?
8. Is There Mentoring And Training Available?
When you have every single thing on this list and more as Zija does, you have a winner.
Zija was founded in 2006, is based in Lindon, Utah and is a debt-free company.
The founder, chairman and CEO of Zija, Ken Brailsford, is known as the grandfather of the network marketing industry. Mr. Brailsford has over 35 years in the direct sales industry.
Mr. Brailsford has an amazing proven success track record and has done billions of dollars in sales. Back in the 70's he founded a company called Natures Sunshine and then in the 80's he started his second company, Enrich International, both companies are still in business to this day! This is a great clue that this company (Zija) is on the move and here to stay!
The Zija product line is based on the Moringa Tree. The benefits of Moringa are numerous, if you would like to learn more about Moringa click on the What is Moringa link on the left side of the page.
Does Zija products have mass market appeal? If you consider the markets that their products cater to (in dollars spent per year):
- Health and Wellness Industry - 500+ Billion
- Beauty and Personal Care Industry - 200+ Billion
- Diet and Weight Loss Industry - 80+ Billion
- Energy Beverage Industry - 10+ Billion
Total Opportunity - $790 Billion
Do the products work? View the video above to see several personal testimonials of users of the products. If you would like to see more, send me an email and I will send you a list of webpages where you can view more enthusiastic user testimonials.
If you decide to become a Zija distributor, depending on the team you join, duplicatable systems are in place to help you grow your business and yes, the average person can make money with this if you know how to market or if you learn how to market the products effectively.
Most any network marketing company can teach you the old school way of marketing your company products. You know, create your list of friends, neighbors and relatives that you can pitch your products to. But the top earners, the big dogs of network marketing do it a different way. Click here for free training on the methods and strategies used by the top earners.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Join Us Today
Not Only Does Zija provide better Health, Weight Management, More Energy and lowered Stress, It can also help you pay some of those extra bills...
Special Promotion THIS WEEK!!! Call Ron for Details...859-552-8122
Special Promotion THIS WEEK!!! Call Ron for Details...859-552-8122
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Nicholasville Zija Information
The team in Nicholasville is Growing...
We Now have 2 meetings per week... Tuesdays and Thursdays...
Looks like we will soon add a 3rd on Saturdays...
These Meetings are for Guests AND for distributors...
We always are trying to learn new things at each meeting.
New Folks, bring your guests... Best way to introduce them to Zija...
Ron & Jennifer Sponsor Tuesdays...
Cindy Campbell Sponsors Thursdays...
Len Kirschbaum will Sponsor Saturdays... (we will let you know when Saturdays come on line)
After the Big Conference in Cincinnati last weekend, there is a lot of excitement... Our Japan Zija Family has been using Zija during their time of tragedy after the Tsunami... It has been a wonderful source of healing and nutrition during this time... Same thing in Aukland New Zealand during their Earthquake...
This is going worlwide and spreading rapidly... Our Team is getting ready to open a new country - Malasia... It will be a great thing to get on board!
Call Ron (859-552-8122) or Jennifer (859-433-8773) for more information
We Now have 2 meetings per week... Tuesdays and Thursdays...
Looks like we will soon add a 3rd on Saturdays...
These Meetings are for Guests AND for distributors...
We always are trying to learn new things at each meeting.
New Folks, bring your guests... Best way to introduce them to Zija...
Ron & Jennifer Sponsor Tuesdays...
Cindy Campbell Sponsors Thursdays...
Len Kirschbaum will Sponsor Saturdays... (we will let you know when Saturdays come on line)
After the Big Conference in Cincinnati last weekend, there is a lot of excitement... Our Japan Zija Family has been using Zija during their time of tragedy after the Tsunami... It has been a wonderful source of healing and nutrition during this time... Same thing in Aukland New Zealand during their Earthquake...
This is going worlwide and spreading rapidly... Our Team is getting ready to open a new country - Malasia... It will be a great thing to get on board!
Call Ron (859-552-8122) or Jennifer (859-433-8773) for more information
Sunday, September 18, 2011
JUST release Publically this Weekend at the Zija Conference
Smart MixXM+ Mix
Premium Tea
The Perfect Combination For
Health AND Weight Management!
For More Info...
Call Ron or Jennifer
Ron: 859-552-8122
Jennifer: 859-433-8773
Friday, September 16, 2011
ZijaCentralKY is growing
under the Leadership of ZijaLegacyElite...
Welcome to our New Distributors:
Main Event Martial Arts - Len
Dee - Our Florida Connection
and our newest Preferred Customer - Sam
Health Is Your Wealth!
Get Helathier, Lose Weight, Get More Energy, Manage Your Stress
Then Help Others!
It's a God thing... HE wants us to be healthy!
Call Ron (859-552-8122) or Jennifer (859-433-8773) for more Information about what Zija Can do For You!
Check out the Links and Blogs on this Site... You WILL be amazed!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Jennifer and I would like to PERSONALLY welcome 2 new Zija Friends into the Team Legacy Elite group of Zija International...
Welcome Melvin & Darlene and Mollie & Steve...
GREAT Testimonies are soon to come from all these folks... ZIJA WORKS!
Welcome Melvin & Darlene and Mollie & Steve...
GREAT Testimonies are soon to come from all these folks... ZIJA WORKS!
Are Your Meds Making You Sick (Part 4 - Final)
Prescription Drug Side Effects – Part 4
Medications can cause other conditions unrelated to the health problems they're prescribed to treat
However, it's not always easy to tell whether a symptom is related to a drug, a drug interaction, the underlying medical condition or a different health problem entirely. Sometimes if a drug is suspected, the only way a doctor can be certain it's the culprit is to stop prescribing it and see if the symptom vanishes — which might be medically feasible for some conditions but not others.
"Patients can be their own best advocates in alerting their doctor to a concern that this [symptom] could be a drug side effect," Steinman says. "Patients know themselves better than anyone else."
How to Avoid Drug Reactions
- If you experience a change that doesn't feel right, tell your doctor. Ask if the symptom could be a drug side effect. It may be an expected effect that will wear off soon. But it also may signal a serious medical problem.
- If you're taking several drugs, ask your doctor or pharmacist to review them. Ask if there can be interaction problems with your drugs and even vitamins and supplements. Consider seeing a certified consultant pharmacist trained in managing a number of drugs, usually for a fee. If you're in a Medicare Advantage health plan, ask if you qualify for its medications therapy management service.
- Ask if there are lifestyle changes you can make instead of taking a drug. Very often patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes can minimize side effects or avoid drugs altogether by losing weight, exercising more and stopping smoking.
- Ask to be prescribed drugs that have been on the market for at least seven years. It often takes five to 10 years for serious side effects of a new drug to show up in the general population. Some reactions surface only after the patient has been on the drug for a year or more.
- Ask why the doctor is prescribing a particular drug. Find out what the risks and benefits are, compared to alternative drugs.
- Don't stop taking a drug without consulting your doctor. Suddenly stopping some drugs can be harmful.
- Use AARP's Drug Interaction Checker to review your medications online.
- Read Consumers Reports' Best Buy Drugs for information on effectiveness and safety of drugs according to scientific evidence.
- Locate a certified geriatric pharmacist for help managing medications.
Patricia Barry is a senior editor with the AARP Bulletin.
Friday, September 9, 2011
This Coming Tuesday September 13th -
ZIJA Info Meeting...6:30 PM
YMCA - 220 East Maple Street
Come Learn, Listen, Get More Healthy...
Bring A Friend who needs Better Health or Weight Management or More Energy or Less Stress...
It REALLY is an amazing product - that works!!!
Call Ron(859-552-8122) or Jennifer (859-443-8773) for more Information or Directions!
ZIJA Info Meeting...6:30 PM
YMCA - 220 East Maple Street
Come Learn, Listen, Get More Healthy...
Bring A Friend who needs Better Health or Weight Management or More Energy or Less Stress...
It REALLY is an amazing product - that works!!!
Call Ron(859-552-8122) or Jennifer (859-443-8773) for more Information or Directions!
Prescription Drug Side Effects – Part 3
Medications can cause other conditions unrelated to the health problems they're prescribed to treat
One reason older people are excluded is that the specific effect of a new drug can be "harder to tease out" when tested on people who are likely to have other medical conditions, says Michael Steinman, M.D., an associate professor at the University of California in San Francisco. "But also, from a drug company's perspective, it's advantageous to study a drug in younger, healthier people who are less likely to have side effects." The result, he adds, is that doctors are "handicapped" by not knowing "how well these drugs work in older and sicker people who most often need them."
Other effective methods of treatment — exercise, physical therapy and diet changes — can improve many conditions, including high blood pressure and diabetes.
Drug manufacturers spend billions of dollars persuading doctors to prescribe — and older patients to buy — the newest, most expensive medications. But studies show six out of seven "new" drugs are no more effective than "old" ones, and are riskier because they haven't been around long enough to have an extensive safety record.
Now, many doctors are becoming warier. Schiff is one who preaches what he calls "conservative prescribing." His very first suggestion to doctors is to "think beyond drugs" and discuss other effective methods of treatment — exercise, physical therapy and diet changes — that can improve many conditions, including high blood pressure and diabetes.
Still, it's easier for patients to pop a pill a day instead of dieting or exercising. It's also easier for physicians to prescribe pills, especially when people tend to want their money's worth when making an office visit. "The patient says: 'I took a day off work, I came down here, I want the antibiotic,' whether they need it or not," says Schiff.
It's hardly surprising if overworked doctors, seeing a patient for maybe 15 minutes or less, fail to recognize a symptom as linked to a drug the person is already taking — and not some new medical problem.
But, Zagaria says, people in her profession — independent consultant pharmacists trained to help older people manage all their medications — "automatically assume that a patient's new symptom could be related to medication unless you prove otherwise."
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Are Your Meds Making You Sick? - Part 2
This is Part of a 4 part Series written by Patricia Barry for AARP magazine... While we are all not of "Senior" age yet, this article shows just how dangerous Prescription Drugs Are... And how we should take care of our bodies through proper Nutrition to help avoid the need for a doctor to prescribe Dangerous Combinations of Drugs, which are often prescribed with monetary reimbursement to the Doctors by the Drug Companies...
Prescription Drug Side Effects – Part 2
Medications can cause other conditions unrelated to the health problems they're prescribed to treat
But the fatal or serious reactions most often reported are only the tip of the iceberg, experts say. "There are tens of millions of milder reactions, some of which are quite damaging to people even though they're medically regarded as minor," says Donald W. Light, a medical sociologist and editor of The Risks of Prescription Drugs, a book that reviews current evidence of medication problems.
Milder symptoms such as drowsiness, sleeplessness, muscle aches, dizziness, nausea and bouts of depression may be more troubling than they are dangerous. Yet, Light says, studies show drugs that affect people's sense of balance or slow their reactions are a major cause of falls and road accidents. Even gastric problems or muscle pain can seriously affect mobility and mood, hampering work, activities and family relationships.
Drugs are widely assumed to be designed to target a specific medical issue, but they rarely do.
Why do drugs prescribed for a specific health problem trigger other health problems? Errors made by doctors, pharmacists, hospitals — and patients themselves — are a major problem. But even if all errors were avoided, knotty issues remain, including bad interactions among different drugs prescribed for the same patient by different doctors; drugs prescribed for uses that the Food and Drug Administration has not approved; and an imperfect testing system for new drugs, which permits the marketing of medications that only later prove to have harmful side effects.
Moreover, drugs are widely assumed to be designed to target a specific medical issue, but they rarely do. "They have effects on multiple organs," says Schiff. "These are very complex molecules going into very complex organ systems of human bodies."
That's especially true for older people. "As we age, changes occur to all organ systems, and these can affect the way that medication is processed in the body," says Mary Ann Zagaria, a consultant pharmacist in Norwich, N.Y., and a board member of the Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy. "A drug regimen that was appropriate for a 60-year-old would not necessarily be well tolerated at 70 or 80."
More than 75 percent of Americans age 60 and over take two or more prescription drugs, and 37 percent use at least five, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (PDF). But older people are rarely included in clinical trials, which test a drug's safety and effectiveness.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
This is Part of a 4 part Series written by Patricia Barry for AARP magazine... While we are all not of "Senior" age yet, this article shows just how dangerous Prescription Drugs Are... And how we should take care of our bodies through proper Nutrition to help avoid the need for a doctor to prescribe Dangerous Combinations of Drugs, which are often prescribed with monetary reimbursement to the Doctors by the Drug Companies...
Prescription Drug Side Effects – Part 1
Medications can cause other conditions unrelated to the health problems they're prescribed to treat
by: Patricia Barry | from: AARP Bulletin | September 1, 2011
The symptoms were sudden and severe: tightness in the chest, dizziness, nausea. "I thought I was having a heart attack," says Lynn Golden, a 59-year-old retired scientist living in Maryland. Rushed to the emergency room, she spent two days in the hospital having exhaustive tests that all proved negative. It was only later that she discovered the cause — unexpected side effects from a prescription drug she'd started taking three weeks earlier to manage a mild thyroid condition.
To avoid prescription drug side effects, possibly try exercise and diet change first.
Golden's experience is a classic example of how medications can cause other conditions unrelated to the health problems they're prescribed to treat. Unaware of this, patients very often consult their doctors about this "new" condition — only to be prescribed yet another drug that could produce still more side effects.
This syndrome is known as a drug "cascade." It's not as well studied as more dramatic problems with prescription drugs — such as when apparently safe drugs turn out to be deadly — but it is of growing concern. Experts estimate that tens of millions of people are suffering every day — often without knowing why. "There are a lot of people taking drugs to treat the side effects of drugs," says Gordon Schiff, M.D., an internist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and associate director of the Brigham Center for Patient Safety Research and Practice in Boston. "And sometimes that makes sense, and maybe the initial drug is essential. But when you're taking a drug to treat the side effect of a drug which is treating the side effect of another drug, it gets to be rather a house of cards."
Adverse drug effects send about 4.5 million Americans to the doctor's office or the emergency room each year — more than for common conditions like strep throat or pneumonia — according to a recent study by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine estimates that serious drug reactions occur more than 2 million times each year among patients in hospitals and are the fourth leading cause of hospital deaths, topped only by heart disease, cancer and stroke.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Pregnant? What Zija Can Do For You!
- Vitamin A, Beta Carotene-Helps growth of teeth and bones
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)-Regulates the nervous system, increases energy level
- B2 (Riboflavin)-Maintains energy, good eyesight, healthy skin
- B3 (Niacin)-Promotes healthy skin, nerves and digestion
- B6 (Pyridoxine)-Helps form red blood cells; helps with morning sickness
- Vitamin C-An antioxidant that protects tissues from damage and helps body absorb iron; builds healthy immune system
- Vitamin D-Helps body use calcium and phosphorus; promotes strong teeth and bones
- Vitamin E-Helps body form and use red blood cells and muscles
- Folic Acid/ Folate-Helps support the placenta, and prevents spina bifida and other neural tube defects
- Calcium-Creates strong bones and teeth, helps prevent blood clots, helps muscles and nerves function
- Iron-Helps in the production of hemoglobin; prevents anemia, low birth weight, and premature delivery
- Protein-Helps in the production of amino acids; repairs cells
- Zinc-Helps produce insulin and enzymes
Prenatal Vitamins
The Truth about Prenatal Vitamins
Missing Ingredients
In his book, The Homeostasis Protocol, health educator Blake Sawyer suggests that 95% of vitamins on the market today are isolated synthetic vitamins that have been stripped of their enzymes, phytonutrients, secondary compounds, macronutrients, and cofactors. In Eat, Move, and Be Healthy, world renowned health coach Paul Chek discusses that there are up to 10,000 secondary nutrients in plants.
In “Real or Synthetic: The Truth Behind Whole-Food Supplements,” Doctor Daniel Chong states “If parts of your processed prenatal vitamin are missing, those missing parts will be taken from your body’s stored supply.” This means, potentially, that every time you ingest those 50 vitamins and minerals from your prenatal without the additional 9,950 secondary nutrients, your body must actually scramble its own secondary nutrients in order to balance the system. Is it possible that your pregnancy has already mustered some of your 9,950 nutrient reserves and now your isolated vitamin places additional demand to produce even more? Might your baby’s nutrient supply be at risk?
Toxic Prenatals
It seems your synthetic prenatals may do even more harm than sucking your secondary nutrient reserves. Doctor Chong’s article sites studies showing that your body treats these isolated and synthetic nutrients like foreign substances that force themselves around your body like drugs. Of course, any “foreign substance” is toxic to your body and your baby on some level, but today’s definitions of drugs all come with known side effects. You know those pharmaceutical drug commercials that spend half the commercial spitting out the required list of side effects that “may” affect you by taking their “isolated synthetic” drug? It seems that your “isolated synthetic” vitamins may act very similar.
Imagine for a moment that your computer is like your pregnant body. Taking isolated synthetic prenatals is like uploading your computer with an incomplete version of Microsoft Windows and assuming it will know how to make sense of it. It may not. Your body systems are looking for programs (foods and supplements) in forms that are highly recognizable, like nature’s true foods. The more often you upload incomplete and altered programs (synthetic vitamins), the more often you may risk susceptibility to complications, or viruses, just like your computer.
Detoxification Necessary Due to Man Made Vitamins
It is a fact that your body must detoxify foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Since synthetic isolated vitamins are man-made versions, your innate foreign detection system may actually attempt to detoxify part of it. This is exactly how your body reacts to other foreign substances, like secondhand smoke. Could it be possible your body views your prenatal as a potential poison that must be detoxified and excreted as quickly as possible? Why put your baby under additional unnecessary stress?
Considered the bible of true-food wisdom, nutrition researcher Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions reports studies showing that synthetic vitamins are often harmful compared to their “true food” counterparts.
Synthetic Vitamin A from supplements can be toxic, causing hair loss, drying of mucous membranes, irritability, menstrual abnormalities, and birth defects. However, high levels of natural Vitamin A have no toxic effects.
Synthetic betacarotene given to smokers actually increased their risk of cancer, while the natural forms found in fruits and vegetables are protective.
Synthetic Vitamin B1 derived from coal tar did not cure the disease, beriberi, in Korean prisoners-of-war but rice polishings with natural vitamin B complex did.
Just as disturbing, if you ask your vitamin manufacturer what the raw ingredients of your vitamins are, The Homeostasis Protocol advises that you may not like the answer. Here are some possibilities:
- Coal tar derivatives (like what’s stuck in a cigarette smoker’s lungs)
- Petroleum based chemicals (known central nervous system depressants, carcinogens and respiratory irritants)
- Acetylene gas (used in chemical manufacturing)
- Toxic cow livers
- Human sewage
Is there a solution?
For FAQ on Zija Smart Mix/ Smart Drink go to
1. Sawyer, Blake. The Homeostasis Protocol. Fredericksburg, TX. A Blake Sawyer Publication, 2008.
2. Chek, Paul. Eat, Move, and Be Healthy. San Diego, CA. A C.H.E.K. Institute Publication, 2004.
3. Chong, Daniel, ND. Real or Synthetic: The Truth Behind Whole-Food Supplements. Online. Internet. 3-3-09.
4. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. Washington, DC. New Trends Publishing, 2007.
1. Sawyer, Blake. The Homeostasis Protocol. Fredericksburg, TX. A Blake Sawyer Publication, 2008.
2. Chek, Paul. Eat, Move, and Be Healthy. San Diego, CA. A C.H.E.K. Institute Publication, 2004.
3. Chong, Daniel, ND. Real or Synthetic: The Truth Behind Whole-Food Supplements. Online. Internet. 3-3-09.
4. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. Washington, DC. New Trends Publishing, 2007.
Looking For Healthy Foods?

This List Was Taken from ""
• Zija® Products as previously described
• All Real Fresh Fruit (except blood glucose individual unless under the supervisor of a professional healthcare provider)
• All Real & Washed Vegetables (dark, green, & leafy preferred)
• Nuts: Raw Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Macadamias
• Game Meats
• Venison
• Free Range & Game Poultry
• Most Seafood & Fish
• Fresh Eggs
• Fresh Whole Milk
• Real Cheese With Wax Coatings
• Multi Grain Or Artisan Breads
• Fresh Tap Water and/or Filtered Water (non-bottled water)
• Citrus Fruits (lemon, orange, lime, etc., often, if not daily)
• Raw Cane & Brown Sugar (in moderation)
• Real Butter
• Real Cream
• Olive Oil
• Cocoa butter & Dark Chocolate
• Coconut
• Palm Oil
• Grape seed Oil
• Berries
• Fresh Salads
• Natural Vinegar
• Spices & Natural Herbs
• Cinnamon
• Real Mayonnaise, Mustard & Sauces
• Pasta
• Wild Rice
• Soups
• High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Free Real Ice Cream
• Unsweetened Teas
• Real Honey
• Maple Syrup
• Molasses
• Potatoes
• Yams
• Avocados
• Legumes & Beans
• Natural & Unprocessed Ethic Food (Mediterranean, Asian, Hispanic, etc.)
• Hot Cocoa (not from low cost instant mixes)
• Natural Jerky
• Home Made Pies (crust with good old lard)
• Made from Scratch/Home Made Cakes
• Made from Scratch, Home Made Cookies & Baking with Real Butter
• Real & Natural, Jams, Jellies, Preserves
• Sea Salt or Celtic salt
• Real Natural Favors & Extracts
For More HEALTHY Information Visit:
Sunday, September 4, 2011
GenM - Zija Skin Products
Skin Nutrition 101
Moringa Is Nature's BeauticianEveryone wants beautiful skin. Why look any further than nature? Zija's Genm Skin Care offers a complete anti-aging line of all-natural skin treatment products using Moringa-based ingredients. Because your cells are replenished from within, Zija offers a complete line of nutricosmetic beauty drinks for optimal health. Genm Skin Care goes way beyond regular topical skin care—it's skin care at the cellular level—from the inside out!Since we begin at the cellular level, Genm is great for most skin types. Our concept is to address skin conditions more than just skin types. We understand that your skin can change daily, weekly, seasonally and hormonally. Thus, designing a product for a particular skin type just doesn't make sense. Our products are formulated to adjust to your changing body by maintaining your skin's proper moisture levels and pH balance. Our formulations work with your body, not against it. Inner Health, Outer BeautyGenm skin care is based on careful science and enlightened research. Our goal was to unleash a powerful medley of natural botanicals and ingredients that promote healthy skin at consumer-friendly doses with real results. Keeping the underlying "inner health, outer beauty” philosophy in mind, Zija's team of nutritionists, scientists and skin care experts have developed an efficacious line of next-generation skin care without last-generation ingredients. Zija developed and built Genm to bridge the gap for all generations' anti-aging needs.Genm products:
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Learning About Zija
We would like to thank the following people for learning about Zija... The first step towards a Healthy Life...
Len, Jennifer, Jeff, Tonya, Crystal, Molly, John, Larry, Trisha, Brian, Sam, Lauren, Jordan, Steve, and Kelly...
Your Health is Your Wealth!
We hope to see you all at the next info session at the Nicholasville YMCA - 220 East Maple Street in Nicholasville
Tuesday September 6th - at 6:30pm
OPEN to the PUBLIC...
If you've heard about it, but just want to know more - or even try some -come on over on Tuesday!
Christian Based - NO Pressure!
Call ron @ 859-552-8122 or Jennifer @ 859-433-8773 for more information or directions
Len, Jennifer, Jeff, Tonya, Crystal, Molly, John, Larry, Trisha, Brian, Sam, Lauren, Jordan, Steve, and Kelly...
Your Health is Your Wealth!
We hope to see you all at the next info session at the Nicholasville YMCA - 220 East Maple Street in Nicholasville
Tuesday September 6th - at 6:30pm
OPEN to the PUBLIC...
If you've heard about it, but just want to know more - or even try some -come on over on Tuesday!
Christian Based - NO Pressure!
Call ron @ 859-552-8122 or Jennifer @ 859-433-8773 for more information or directions
Friday, September 2, 2011
New 22 Ounce Bottle For Zija Smart Mix
22 Ounce Bottle For Smart Mix
"Uncle Russ" has developed a better way to help absorb Zija SmartMix in your System.
If you have heard him speak during "Break The Bank",
You will know that he has now recommended that you mix 1 "packet" of Smartmix with 21 ounces of water. This is to be split into 3 servings - each 1/2 hour before a meal.
( Please make sure NOT to use bottled water that comes in thin plastic containers.)
This "Zija Green" Bottle holds 21 Ounce of water and enough room for 1 ounce of smart mix (+/-).
We have Only 35 left and we are offering these to our Team before anyone else...
Let Us know if you are interested...
They are Only $2.99 each
(plus shipping - if applicable)
Call Ron or Jennifer
If you are interested
OR E-Mail
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