When looking for a network marketing company there are 8 things to look for when considering if it would be a good company to work with.
1. Management
2. Track Record
3. Financial Backing (Company Stability)
4. Mass Market Appeal of It's Products
5. Do The Products Work?
6. Are There Systems In Place For Duplication?
7. Can The Average Person Make Money?
8. Is There Mentoring And Training Available?
When you have every single thing on this list and more as Zija does, you have a winner.
Zija was founded in 2006, is based in Lindon, Utah and is a debt-free company.
The founder, chairman and CEO of Zija, Ken Brailsford, is known as the grandfather of the network marketing industry. Mr. Brailsford has over 35 years in the direct sales industry.
Mr. Brailsford has an amazing proven success track record and has done billions of dollars in sales. Back in the 70's he founded a company called Natures Sunshine and then in the 80's he started his second company, Enrich International, both companies are still in business to this day! This is a great clue that this company (Zija) is on the move and here to stay!
The Zija product line is based on the Moringa Tree. The benefits of Moringa are numerous, if you would like to learn more about Moringa click on the What is Moringa link on the left side of the page.
Does Zija products have mass market appeal? If you consider the markets that their products cater to (in dollars spent per year):
- Health and Wellness Industry - 500+ Billion
- Beauty and Personal Care Industry - 200+ Billion
- Diet and Weight Loss Industry - 80+ Billion
- Energy Beverage Industry - 10+ Billion
Total Opportunity - $790 Billion
Do the products work? View the video above to see several personal testimonials of users of the products. If you would like to see more, send me an email and I will send you a list of webpages where you can view more enthusiastic user testimonials.
If you decide to become a Zija distributor, depending on the team you join, duplicatable systems are in place to help you grow your business and yes, the average person can make money with this if you know how to market or if you learn how to market the products effectively.
Most any network marketing company can teach you the old school way of marketing your company products. You know, create your list of friends, neighbors and relatives that you can pitch your products to. But the top earners, the big dogs of network marketing do it a different way. Click here for free training on the methods and strategies used by the top earners.
Zija is the most nutrition product for our health. In zija we use moringa herbal leaves that are 100% pure and don’t have any side effects.