About Heather
Three years ago I was wearing a size 22 jeans, weighing in at over 220 pounds when I came to the realization this was not the way I wanted to live my life. I didn’t just wake up and look at myself and say “OK, that’s it you’re just getting too fat,” I had to have a near death experience.
Earlier that day my 1 year old daughter (Bella) had climbed up the slide at McDonald’s playland and got stuck. As Bella screamed for me to help her I remember begging God to help her get out by herself…
Unfortunately That Didn’t Happen.
There I was, a big chub trying to wedge myself up a slide to rescue my little one from harm; complete and total embarrassment! I could feel the stares as I prayed “Please let this be a dream.” As I climbed out I heard and see a few people clapping as they chuckled to themselves.
I wish I knew earlier how desperate my situation was but in all honesty I just didn’t think I looked all that bad. Getting stuck in McDonald’s playland was enough of a near death experience for me; because at that very moment I really wanted to die. It took me a couple weeks before I came up with a fool proof plan of getting my weight off.
One night as my husband and I sat on the couch stuffing our faces with ice cream and watching our favorite show “The Biggest Loser,” it hit me. The contestants start out pretty overweight and in the end they come back looking great. I had finally gotten the fail proof diet for me, all I had to do was get on the show.
The next day I called NBC to ask about some the logistics to getting on the show, I was surprised when I was told over 400,000 people would try out and I didn’t have much of a shot. I knew at that moment I needed to make an amazing audition video that would show NBC how desperate I was for their help.
I made it, the rest has been an amazing success story!
I’ve also been featured in many national magazines including Prevention Magazine (three times! —December 2006, October 2007, and May 2007). I was also featured in First Magazine in April 2008.
I graduated from Brigham Young University in 1993 with a degree in Marketing and a Business minor. I now have more than 10 years of marketing experience working with several national clients including Southwest Airlines, Blockbuster and Coke, and have worked with many local companies in Utah, the wonderful state we call home.
An entrepreneur at heart, I own an insurance agency and am focused on helping people across the country live their dreams and become financially independent.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…
In the collage above, the bottom left photo in the pink sports bra was taken the year after my daughter was born… I can’t believe I gained back nearly all the weight I had lost during my tenure on The Biggest Loser!
How Did I Do It?
I met a man with a vision & a product. Life as I knew it radically changed.
As I’m sure you already know, I was a finalist on Season 3 of NBC’s The Biggest Loser and was 5 months pregnant at the finale. After our daughter was born, I thought I could just keep my weight off because I had been on the Biggest Loser….boy was I wrong. Weight Management wasn’t so easy without the endless resources available during the television show!
I had worked so long and hard to get this weight off and in 1 year from leaving the show it was almost all back. My breaking point came when my weight reached over 200 pounds, again. It seemed all my efforts had been in vain! I knew I hated exercising, and had very little time for daily work outs so I came to the realization that I had to control my food intake and learn to better manage my weight.
Initially, I found over the counter products I sorta liked, and I did lose a little weight. However the pieces of my puzzle didn’t fall into place until I met Ken Brailsford of Zija International. That day my eyes were opened and my taste buds exploded! I knew my life had changed forever….for the better.
This is Where my Real Story Begins…
I instantly began the Zija Weight Management System and have been pleased with the results beyond words.
Proof Is In The Pudding! (or at least in the proprietary ingredients!)
Earlier that day my 1 year old daughter (Bella) had climbed up the slide at McDonald’s playland and got stuck. As Bella screamed for me to help her I remember begging God to help her get out by herself…
Unfortunately That Didn’t Happen.
There I was, a big chub trying to wedge myself up a slide to rescue my little one from harm; complete and total embarrassment! I could feel the stares as I prayed “Please let this be a dream.” As I climbed out I heard and see a few people clapping as they chuckled to themselves.
One night as my husband and I sat on the couch stuffing our faces with ice cream and watching our favorite show “The Biggest Loser,” it hit me. The contestants start out pretty overweight and in the end they come back looking great. I had finally gotten the fail proof diet for me, all I had to do was get on the show.
The next day I called NBC to ask about some the logistics to getting on the show, I was surprised when I was told over 400,000 people would try out and I didn’t have much of a shot. I knew at that moment I needed to make an amazing audition video that would show NBC how desperate I was for their help.
I made it, the rest has been an amazing success story!
I’ve also been featured in many national magazines including Prevention Magazine (three times! —December 2006, October 2007, and May 2007). I was also featured in First Magazine in April 2008.
I graduated from Brigham Young University in 1993 with a degree in Marketing and a Business minor. I now have more than 10 years of marketing experience working with several national clients including Southwest Airlines, Blockbuster and Coke, and have worked with many local companies in Utah, the wonderful state we call home.
An entrepreneur at heart, I own an insurance agency and am focused on helping people across the country live their dreams and become financially independent.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…
In the collage above, the bottom left photo in the pink sports bra was taken the year after my daughter was born… I can’t believe I gained back nearly all the weight I had lost during my tenure on The Biggest Loser!
How Did I Do It?
I met a man with a vision & a product. Life as I knew it radically changed.
As I’m sure you already know, I was a finalist on Season 3 of NBC’s The Biggest Loser and was 5 months pregnant at the finale. After our daughter was born, I thought I could just keep my weight off because I had been on the Biggest Loser….boy was I wrong. Weight Management wasn’t so easy without the endless resources available during the television show!
I had worked so long and hard to get this weight off and in 1 year from leaving the show it was almost all back. My breaking point came when my weight reached over 200 pounds, again. It seemed all my efforts had been in vain! I knew I hated exercising, and had very little time for daily work outs so I came to the realization that I had to control my food intake and learn to better manage my weight.
Initially, I found over the counter products I sorta liked, and I did lose a little weight. However the pieces of my puzzle didn’t fall into place until I met Ken Brailsford of Zija International. That day my eyes were opened and my taste buds exploded! I knew my life had changed forever….for the better.
This is Where my Real Story Begins…
I instantly began the Zija Weight Management System and have been pleased with the results beyond words.
Proof Is In The Pudding! (or at least in the proprietary ingredients!)
No doubt, the proof is in the pudding!
I am looking for the best product for weightloss, so I want to know that is this zija good for our health. Please provide relevant information about it.